Mackie's vet faxed me this page, and I promised to follow it faithfully, so here is it. All the following up to my large WOW!, is from the page the vet faxed me.
Cat Food (daily formulation for a 4-5 Kg cat)
Ingredients | Grams | Percentage |
Carbohydrate, Cooked * | 50 | 50 |
Meat, Cooked ** | 40 | 34 |
Fat *** | 10 | 8 |
Bone meal † | 1.2 | |
Salts (NaCl, KCl) ‡ | 1.0 | |
Taurine | 0.5 | |
* Examples include rice, cornmeal, oatmeal, potato, pasta and various infant cereals
** Examples include all typical meats: poultry, fish and liver.
*** Chicken fat, beef fat, vegetable oil, fish oil.
(Mommy's note: No kidding, these are foods Mackie has expressed delighted interest in, and we already home feed him).
† Dicalcium phosphate can be used in place of bone meal.
‡Readily available as a lite salt in grocery stores.
Human adult vitamin-mineral tablet (9 g/tablets give 0.5 tablet/day)
NUTRIENT CONTENT (% DMB) (Dry Matter Basis)
Protein | 3* |
Fat | 28 |
Crude Fiber | 2.0 |
Calcium | 0.69 |
Phosphorus | 0.68 |
Magnesium | 0.1 |
Sodium | 0.4 |
Potassium | 0.25 |
| |
Kcal (as fed) | 250 |
Bake ... meat component and cook starch component. Grind or finely chop meat if necessary. Pulverize the bone meal and mix with other components except the vitamin-mineral supplement. Mix well, and serve immediately, or cover and refrigerate. Feed the vitamin-mineral supplement with the meal; give as a pill or pulverize and mix in food before feeding.
* Also feed one human adult vitamin-mineral tablet daily to dogs and one half tablet to cats to ensure all vitamins and minerals are included. Cats should be given one half to one taurine table 500 mg /tablet daily.
"It is possible to achieve the same nutrient balance with a homemade food as with a commercially prepared food. However, this largely depends on the accuracy and competence of the veterinarian's animal nutritionist formulating the food and on the compliance and discipline of the owner.
Unfortunately some homemade recipes are flawed even when followed exactly and consistently. In one survey 90% of the homemade elimination foods foods prescribed by 116 veterinarians in North America were not nutritionally adequate for adult canine or feline maintenance.
Unlike most commercial foods, many printed homemade recipes are not complete or balanced to fulfill animal requirements. Few of the numerous published homemade food recipes for dogs and cats have been tested to document performance over sustained periods. Additionally, making homemade foods requires knowledge, motivation, additional financial resources and careful consistent attention to recipe detail to ensure a consistent, balanced intake of nutrients.
Very few pet food products sold in the United States are designed to be mixed with another food at home. Some prepared meatless products are available, but the manufacturer clearly instructs the pet owner to feed the food for a limited time or to add a protein source when feeding the product long-term . In North America, homemade foods are more likely to be made "from scratch" than from modules, as in Europe.
(Mackie's note: AHA! In EUROPE they DO PROVIDE THE MODULES! Why can't we get those here?)
Formulations for homemade foods should not be assumed to be complete or balanced for any canine or feline life stage until sufficiently tested (feeding tests, nutrient analysis, etc.) Most recipes have been crudely balanced using the average nutrient content of specific foods and computer assimilation. The palatability, digestibility and safety of those recipes have not been adequately or scientifically tested. Even formulations that are initially complete and balanced put pets at risk when pet owners make their own food substitutions, omit ingredients because of personal preferences or convenience or make preparation errors.
Therefore veterinarians and their health care teams should encourage regular dietary histories and patient monitoring for pets that belong to clients who feed homemade foods."
Isn't amazing that cats and dogs ever survived millions of years in domesticated bliss with us before the 20th century chemical food industry came along, with their computers to show how we are all blithering idiots in the concept of home nutrition for all family members, including the furry ones?
It's bloody rude of these people to think that pets and their owners cannot have a dialog to determine what's best. I already knew that (all the above ingredients) were things Mackie thrived on, because we worked it out. Other cats I've owned varied. We all worked it out.
Though I don't believe that many have holistic health skills in the kitchen (I cook every single meal at home and successfully got family members off their stinking blood pressure, diabetes, and arthritis medications, and off nicotine and alcohol using the "Medicine Cabinet of First Resort (TM)- my kichen) I do firmly believe that most ALL pet owners can and do work this stuff out with their own pets.
The fact is we don't have a lot of time to do all this cooking, but if we have to go back to basics you bet we will.
So, the BASF's of the world and the CEO Hogs that support them, all of whom are intent on making us believe we are so dumbed down we can't be trusted to tie our own shoelaces, or feed our cats, go piss up a rope. We're taking back our food supply, our bees, our nutrition, our medicines, and our country.

Keep your trans/hydrogenated fats, your high fructose corn syrup, your aspartame, your hydrolyzed poisons, your gluttony glutens, your killer "franken-foods", your SENOMYX, your bee killing GMO crops and pesticides out of our lives and we'll be fine.
Take your stinking FDA "clean up the food labels" campaign so you can lie to us again, and shove it. Those Federal Dumb Asses can pass laws allowing you CEO Hogs to rename your food poisons so consumers won't know, e.g., that "hydrolyzed yeast" is really blood pressure spiking MSG: we'll never trust another box or can or bottle from your supermarkets of death.
We are boycotting:
- Kraft, Nestlé, Coca-Cola and Campbell Soup who contracted with Senomyx for exclusive rights to use the ingredients in certain types of food and beverages, although the companies declined to identify those categories.
- ConAgra - you win the Zyklon-B award for human depopulation by food.
- Natural Balance for unspeakable lying, prevaricating and general evil skullduggery with their stakeholders, UC Davis and Diamond Foods.
- Hills Science Diet for having prior knowledge that killed so many from December 2006 to March 2007.